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太阳是方的 = The Sun is a Quadrate [electronic resource]

Haoran), 温皓然(Wen2018
长篇小说《太阳是方的》是一部浪漫主义与现实主义相结合的力作。作家以史诗的雄浑笔力、浪漫色彩和抒情笔触对当今社会中的芸芸众生以多视角、多元素的创作手法,进行了深入精微的剖析。故事跌宕起伏,引人入胜。这部小说主要写的是,人与人之间的缘分之难得,真爱之难遇,一如盲龟追寻浮木,百万年才得一线之机,万万年也未必就能修成正果。人世上有一种感情,就叫作:除却巫山不是云。作家将热情澎湃的文字化为了一条神秘的“捆仙锁”或“黄金绳”,缚住了读者的心灵。这时,你既奈何不了她的实中有虚,又不免要屈服于她的虚中有实。有时,索性就甘愿听从她那“光华馨采,涉笔成趣”的驱使摆布了。现实主义与神秘浪漫主义完美的结合,唯美、悲壮、慷慨、激烈、亦真亦幻、风神万种。The full-length novel The Sun Is A Quadrate is a masterpiece of romanticism and realism. The writer has carried out in-depth and subtle analysis of the mortal beings in today's society with epic forceful narrative story telling method, romantic colors and lyrical brushstrokes. The story is full of ups and downs and is quite fascinating. It mainly tells that the fate between people is rare, and the true love is difficult to find. It is just like a blind turtle pursuing driftwood, which may take a million years to get a chance and it may still fail even after one hundred million years of pursuit. There is a feeling in the world, which is called no cloud is beautiful but that which crowns the peak. The writer transferred her enthusiastic words to a mysterious "bundle of fairy locks" or "golden rope" that binds the reader's heart. At this time, you would surrender to her virtual reality and realistic virtual. Sometimes you simply bend to her "brilliant and interesting" article. The novel is a perfect combination of realism and mysterious romanticism. It is beautiful, tragic, generous, fierce, real but illusory, and exceedingly fascinating and charming.
[Place of publication not identified] : 作家出版社(The Writers Publishing House), 2018
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