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List view record 1: One Egg or Two : 20 Years an Army ChefList view anchor tag for record 1: One Egg or Two : 20 Years an Army Chef
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List view record 2: Loose canon : the extraordinary songs of Clive James & Pete AtkinList view anchor tag for record 2: Loose canon : the extraordinary songs of Clive James & Pete Atkin
List view record 3: Charles I's Private LifeList view anchor tag for record 3: Charles I's Private Life
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Charles I's Private Life

Turnbull, Mark2023
The execution of King Charles I is one of the well-known facts of British history, and an often-quoted snippet from our past. He lost the civil war and his head. But there is more to Charles than the civil war and his death. To fully appreciate the momentous events that marked the twenty-four yea...
List view record 4: Faces of HMS Royal Oak The 'Mighty Oak' Disaster at Scapa :FlowList view anchor tag for record 4: Faces of HMS Royal Oak The 'Mighty Oak' Disaster at Scapa :Flow
List view record 5: A furious devotion : the life of Shane MacGowanList view anchor tag for record 5: A furious devotion : the life of Shane MacGowan
List view record 6: Y BlockList view anchor tag for record 6: Y Block
List view record 7: The secret queen Eleanor Talbot, the woman who put R:ichard III on the throneList view anchor tag for record 7: The secret queen Eleanor Talbot, the woman who put R:ichard III on the throne
List view record 8: Let it go from refugee to entrepreneur to phi:lanthropistList view anchor tag for record 8: Let it go from refugee to entrepreneur to phi:lanthropist
List view record 9: Somebody I used to knowList view anchor tag for record 9: Somebody I used to know
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Somebody I used to know

Mitchell, Wendy2018
Wendy Mitchell was diagnosed with dementia at the age of just 58 and was shocked by the lack of awareness about the disease. A phenomenal memoir, Wendy grapples with many questions and strives to get to the very heart of what it means to be human. THE RICHARD AND JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK THE SUNDAY TI...
List view record 10: And then? And then? What else? : a writer's lifeList view anchor tag for record 10: And then? And then? What else? : a writer's life
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